Our wide range of services are meticulously designed to transform your ideas into digital reality.
Langugo is a shining example of our commitment to creating immersive digital experiences. This mobile application offers users an opportunity to learn and practice various languages by connecting with native speakers for live chat. We developed a simultaneous translation system that converts speech into text and displays it to the recipient user in their language. An integrated payment system with Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Stripe ensures a seamless user experience.
Sluice, a groundbreaking tool for designers, reflects our ability to innovate and deliver tailored solutions. As a mobile application prototype and documentation project, Sluice enables project managers to design pre-development mobile applications and monitor their progress. It provides features like design component libraries and conversion to software code, all with a single click.
Our journey has allowed us to form partnerships with a diverse range of organizations. Each partnership has been an opportunity to learn, innovate, and grow, which has significantly contributed to our development as a company. Our esteemed partners include Kale, Bein, Salesforce, THY, and Nike. We value each of these relationships and look forward to creating many more.